Comment: How central banks beat deflation, Fair value is not ...

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Financial Times
Wednesday April 17 2013

Financial Times - Comment
How central banks beat deflation
Inflation targeting has revitalised macroeconomic stabilisation, giving policy makers room to risk expansionary measures, writes Martin Wolf
Fair value is not the same as market price
The growth of the trading culture has encouraged the belief that the only measure of value is what someone is willing to pay, writes John Kay
It is time to audit our auditors
Investors can only trust capital markets if they trust that auditors have knowledge, experience and enormous integrity, says Anthony Catanach
Cameron cannot revive Thatcherism
Today's Conservatism lacks the bite conferred on the Thatcherites when their party and country seemed on the ropes, says Richard Vinen
Tears, reality TV and the Chinese dream
While Xi Jinping is cooking up the China of the future, a television import is bringing culinary drama to the masses, writes Patti Waldmeir
Debt threat to China's financial system
China's banking system, tightly controlled by the Communist party, is unlikely to undergo calamitous collapse, but slow erosion is probably under way
High price of ignoring EU's tax on trades
Markets appear relaxed about chances of financial transactions tax being adopted in EU, but costs of that attitude could be high, writes Ralph Atkins

Financial Times - Editorial
Plugging City leaks
The Boston bombs
Show trial of a Russian blogger
German resolution
Paying for UK health

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