World news: FBI releases images of Boston suspects, Osborne gird...

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Financial Times
World news:
Friday April 19 2013

World News - latest world news headlines -
FBI releases images of Boston suspects
Investigators remained silent on progress but the homeland security secretary says FBI is searching for people captured on video before the attack
Osborne girds for battle with IMF
The chancellor will insist that the UK will stick to its course on cutting the deficit in the face of growing pressure and criticism from the IMF
Texas fertiliser plant blast kills up to 15
Initial death toll put at five to 15, with more than 160 injured, after explosion at a fertiliser plant, which destroyed dozens of homes
Pakistan court orders Musharraf's arrest
Former president returned to Pakistan last month after nearly four years of self-imposed exile to contest a May 11 general election
Ireland picks through debtors' lifestyles
Attempt to quantify acceptable items of expenditure when people declare bankruptcy or reach an insolvency arrangement will affect thousands
New governor sets out to transform Nairobi
Nairobi's slum-born new governor Evans Kidero promises to battle corruption in the Kenyan capital, which is at the forefront of the country's devolution plans
Italy's centre-left splinters in presidential vote
Parliament fails to elect a new head of state, dealing a fresh blow to hopes of breaking the deadlock resulting from inconclusive general elections
F1 courts controversy with Bahrain race
Protests grow as opposition radicals call for this weekend's Grand Prix to be cancelled because of repression in the island monarchy
Elvis impersonator faces ricin charges
Mississippi suspect sent three letters, including to President Obama, putting Washington on edge in the week of the Boston bombings
Poland's immigrants go against the flow
Spaniards, Portuguese and Italians are being tempted east as growth in the Polish economy outstrips that on the troubled fringes of the eurozone

In depth -
BP trial
Mali intervention
Libor scandal
Bank bonuses

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