World news: Obama faces renewed scrutiny on terror, Debt threat ...

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Financial Times
World news:
Wednesday April 17 2013

World News - latest world news headlines -
Obama faces renewed scrutiny on terror
Republican backing for president could be brief after Mitch McConnell said the complacency that prevailed before September 11 had returned
Debt threat to China's financial system
China's banking system, tightly controlled by the Communist party, is unlikely to undergo calamitous collapse, but slow erosion is probably under way
China lifts lid on military secrecy
Ministry of National Defense report marks the first time the world's largest standing army by headcount gives this level of detail on its structure
US senators unveil immigration bill
Undocumented immigrants who arrived in the US before December 31 2011 and stayed continuously could apply for 'provisional' legal status
IMF cuts 2013 global economic outlook
Main concerns for the fund include the uneven recovery among countries, the eurozone's ability to end its crisis, and the US and Japan's public debt
Venezuela opposition continues protests
With Henrique Capriles refusing to accept defeat and reiterating calls for a recount, there is a turbulent atmosphere reminiscent of the 2002 coup against Hugo Chávez
Economists' case for austerity attacked
Rogoff and Reinhart said they would review criticisms but argued there was consensus on the basic conclusion of higher debt leading to slower growth
Judges bar Musharraf from election race
An appellate panel in Peshawar disqualified the former military ruler from running for a parliamentary seat in a northwestern district
Venezuela forces Cuba's pace of change
Havana is slowly making reforms, but it has yet to make some of the biggest – and if Venezuela pulls its subsidy it may have no choice but to act fast
Italy faces test over president vote
Pier Luigi Bersani, leader of the Democrats, and Silvio Berlusconi, the centre-right leader, are due to meet again to pursue talks over a joint candidate

In depth -
BP trial
Mali intervention
Libor scandal
Bank bonuses

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